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Controlled Explosion for 500lb UXB Found near Thetford

A 500lb bomb found near Thetford was destroyed in controlled explosion after being uncovered during heathland restoration work by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. A 1.6km safety cordon was put in place and local airspace closed as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team detonated the device.

The bomb was found, along with a live mortar, in King’s Forest, which is located near to the former WWII bombing range at Berners Heath.  This range was designated for live bombing practice – fairly uncommon for an inland range – and therefore the discovery is not particularly surprising.

It is also known that mortar practice sometimes occurred on bombing ranges during wartime and the Thetford Forest area in general was long used for military training activities by the Army.

See: http://www.buryfreepress.co.uk/news/update-army-blow-up-500lb-bomb-near-thetford-cordons-are-lifted-1-7792253

WWII aerial photograph showing the proximity of the UXB find to Berners Heath bombing Range