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Hand Grenade Found on Harwich Beach

Part of Harwich beach was closed off after a live hand grenade was found washed up on the shore.  A 100m safety cordon was put in place until an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team could reach and destroy the item at low tide.

Hand grenades, like other types of UXO, are regularly washed up on the UK’s beaches.  Fortunately, their distinctive shape and appearance often ensures that the public exercise caution when encountered, as was the case in Harwich when a beachwalker immediately informed the coastguard of the chance find.

See: http://www.essexchronicle.co.uk/essex-police-set-up-cordon-on-harwich-beach-after-discovery-of-unexploded-hand-grenade/story-29495883-detail/story.html