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Over 100 Ordnance-Related Items Found on Cumbria Beach

There was a busy weekend for the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team in Cumbria after more than 100No. items of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) were found by a member of the public on the beach at Eskmeals near Millom.

The beach forms part of the Eskmeals Proofing Range, used to test a wide variety of large-calibre munitions. When the range is not in use the area is open to the public and UXO is often uncovered after rough weather.

The vast majority of the items were inert and removed, with around 12No. live devices destroyed in controlled explosions.

See: https://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/18623891.bomb-squad-discover-100-unexploded-war-ordnance-dunes/