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Suspected Naval Shell Found on Pagham Beach

An Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team was called to Pagham beach in West Sussex after the discovery of suspected WWII ordnance. The device, identified as a naval shell, was found by a member of the public and is the latest piece of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) to be exposed on Britain’s beaches by recent stormy weather.

The EOD team carried out a controlled explosion of the device in situ.

Pagham Harbour was an important location during WWII, used both as a bombing range by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and as a bombing decoy to try and attract German aircraft away from the naval facilities at Portsmouth.

See: https://www.spiritfm.net/news/sussex-news/3008498/unexploded-navy-shell-found-on-west-sussex-beach/