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WWII Anti-Aircraft Shells Found in Potters Bar

Two suspected WWII Anti-Aircraft (AA) shells discovered in the back garden of a house in Potters Bar were destroyed today in controlled explosions. Discovered by a resident yesterday, the devices were taken to a nearby field where they were blown up safely by an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team from Colchester.

The outskirts of London was heavily-defended by AA batteries during WWII and many shells that were fired during German air raids fell unexploded, normally within a 10km radius of the battery dependent upon the trajectory of the gun.

As such, unexploded shells are still regularly found across London and its adjacent suburbs and predicting where one might be found is a very difficult task indeed!

Given that these two shells were found together, it is possible that they are the result of unauthorised munitions disposal at the end of WWII.

See: http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/13898476.Controlled_explosions_carried_out_after_two_World_War_Two_shells_discovered_in_garden/