WWII Shell Destroyed After Being Kept as Souvenir

PAY-A-WWII-bomb-that-Mark-Tuson-from-Blackpool-Lancs-300x200An Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team from the Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) has destroyed an unexploded shell in a controlled explosion, only after the live device had spent 10 years in the back garden of a resident in Blackpool.

The resident had found the shell washed up on a nearby beach and presumed it safe, only for it to be later proved otherwise.  It is likely to have either been an item disposed of at sea or fired from a gun battery, which due to tidal currents was washed ashore, a common phenomenon across Britain’s beaches.

It provides another warning to hunters of wartime souvenirs that such relics must always be assumed to be live unless made safe by EOD experts.

See: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/war-enthusiast-kept-live-bomb-8176039