Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) is necessary whenever hazardous UXO is found.
Zetica UXO typically undertakes EOD as per the two options below.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Call-out
If UXO is found unexpectedly on your site, we can dispatch a team to remove or destroy the item in a controlled explosion.
Our team can deploy anywhere in the UK.
If you require immediate assistance, get in touch and we will help.
Disposal Facility
When UXO is anticipated on your site, it might be necessary to establish a disposal facility.
Any UXO found can be quickly removed from site to the facility and made safe with minimum disruption.
The design of the facility will be tailored to the largest ordnance anticipated to be on the site.
A detailed UXO risk assessment can confirm this.
The aim of any disposal operation is to ensure the safety of personnel and minimise disruption as far as possible. If, following one of our EOD operations, most people are not aware of what has taken place, then we and our SiteSafe Alliance partners have done our job!