Are you undertaking a preliminary Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) risk assessment?
Download an Unexploded Bomb (UXB) risk map for your site.
It’s easy and FREE!
Search Risk Maps
For Your Site
- Enter a place name or postcode, or browse the map below and place the marker on the required location.
- Press download to get a link to your map. An email will be sent to your inbox with your site-specific map attached. If your site is located within or close to the Greater London boundary, you will receive two maps.
- The email will also provide details of our free pre-desk study assessment service that can be undertaken to determine whether any other past military activity occurred near your site.

Heatmap showing distribution of WWII bombing in the UK, compiled from records gathered by Zetica as part of our detailed risk assessments. This will be regularly updated.
Using The Risk Maps
The risk maps provide a high level assessment of regional World War Two (WWII) bombing densities and will help in your decision on whether more detailed research by a UXO specialist is required. Don’t forget that the maps address bombing only. Further assessment is required to determine whether other UXO hazard sources may affect your site.
Typically, if the map shows that your site is in a moderate or a high risk area, a detailed UXO risk assessment is recommended. If the map shows that your site is in a low risk area, it is recommended that a pre-desk study assessment is undertaken to confirm whether any other military activity may have occurred on your site.
You can incorporate your map into desk studies or other reports being produced for your site.
Zetica has built the largest UXB database of its kind in the UK. It includes a unique digital library of bomb census data, and maps showing key strategic points and bombing densities from WWII. The main sources of information include records from the central government (National Archives), local authority archives, the Ministry of Defence, and the German Luftwaffe.
Never plan site works or undertake a risk assessment using these maps alone!
More detail is always required, particularly where there may be a source of UXO from other military operations which are not reflected on these maps. If you are unsure, just ask! A free pre-desk study assessment may be informative to help confirm whether you need to do more.